New Chinese Vehicle Scores Worst-Ever Grade In Safety Tests

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By Michelle Cheung

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so wait till you see the videos in this case.

The Jiang Ling Landwind was to be the first Chinese car to be sold in Europe and was displayed at the Frankfurt Motor Show. According to the German automobile club, which carries out tests for Euro NCAP concluded the two-ton 4X4 has scored the worst-ever rating in their safety tests.

“It had a catastrophic result,” said a spokesman for the ADAC. “In our 20-year history no car has performed as badly.” Sure the report sounds bad, but it it the video that reflected the true quality of the vehicle (to me the car is built like pudding). The car is expected to cost around 10,000 pounds (appox. $17,500). Never mind the exterior design of this car, it is simply awful in terms of safety.

See the videos of the frontal crash and inside the passenger cabin.

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