New iPhones Out? Yawn… At Least Denny’s Had Something Interesting To Say About It

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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Yeah… so Cupertino released some new iPhones yesterday. Anything exciting? Not by a long shot. The iPhone 5 guts, now in a plastic casing, with multiple colors available, and sporting the “iPhone 5C” moniker. And the iPhone 5S, a faster iPhone 5 with a fingerprint scanner. Oh. So. Exciting. Bigger screen? Nope. NFC? You’re funny. Better battery life? What is this, bizarro-land, where Apple still leads the innovation landscape? Come on… At least Denny’s was quick to come out with a funny ad, partly mocking the new phones. There it is, up there, reminding you that the popular franchise always has pancakes smothered in Gold (like the butter), a dig at the fact that the former-Jesus phone now comes in a champagne hue, in addition to black and white. Maybe it’s not completely mocking, as much as it is riding the wave of media coverage surrounding yesterday’s announcement, but all things being considered, we felt more excitement for Denny’s creativity than Apple’s efforts on the phone front this time around.

VIA [ Mashable ]

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