smart egg

By David Ponce

You know that mankind has reached either a new height of sophistication, or a new low of stupidity when it feels the need to manufacture food that tells it when it’s cooked. In this particular case, experts at the British Egg Information Service have developed an egg stamped with a special thermochromic logo that becomes visible when the egg is ready. All you need to decide is whether you want your eggs soft, medium or hard-boiled.

The eggs are slated to hit the supermarket shelves this fall, though likely only in Britain.

Of course, it remains to be seen how well this works, and how much agreement can be reached within the egg aficionado community.

[Smart Egg Article] VIA [Digg]


  1. The Smart Egg Tells You When It’s Cooked…

    The folks at the British Egg Information Service (what the?) got tired of telling people how to properly cook an egg that they made a new self-timing egg that tells informs the “chef” when it’s done. The egg has heat-sensitive……

  2. Now if they could make a stamp that appeared in the presence of salmonella or sulphur compounds produced by rot, it could warn people when the eggs are bad.

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  4. Smart Egg – the Self-Timing Egg…

    The experts at British Egg Information Service have invented self-timing eggs as an answer to inundation of a question – how to boil a perfect egg (could you belive that it’s reported that millions of Britons admitted that they couldn’t …