Nintendo Switch Dock That Doubles As A Projector Coming To Indiegogo This Month

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Hammad Saleem Avatar


Key Takeaways

The Nintendo Switch is a great console and seems like it might bring the company back into the golden era of the late 90’s. And while the Switch is promoted as a great portable console, and for single player games it is great, it’s not nearly as playable for multiplayer games outside of having it plugged into a TV. That’s where the OJO wants to make a change.

Made by YesOJO, the OJO Projector is a Nintendo Switch Dock which projects your game to create a 30-120 inch image across a wall in ‘high quality’. The projector is also said to have an HDMI input for plugging in other devices and a 4-hour battery for truly portable gaming. It also has a 3.5mm port for hooking up speakers since there don’t seem to be any on the projector itself, and you probably won’t want to use the Switch’s built in speakers.

The OJO could be a great accessory for anyone for anyone wanting more portability out of their Switch, but like with all Indiegogo campaigns, there’s always a risk of it flat-out sucking (or never being made at all). Instead, wait until it launches next year to try and pick one up.

YesOJO ] VIA [ CNet ]

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