Nintendo’s ‘Battle & Get! Pokemon Typing DS ‘ Bluetooth Keyboard Accessory Will Work With Your iPhone Too

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Nintendo's 'Pokemon Typing DS' Bluetooth Keyboard (Image courtesy Nintendo)
By Andrew Liszewski

It’s hard to find fault with Apple’s own wireless Bluetooth keyboard, but if you’d prefer to punch away at something designed by Nintendo instead, this is the first pic of the keyboard accessory that will be included with the upcoming Battle & Get! Pokemon Typing DS. The game is basically the same idea as those Mavis Beacon programs you might have used in school to learn how to properly type, but with more entertaining challenges, and a sure-fire way to keep kids interested; Pokemon!

Since the DS is lacking in Bluetooth connectivity the actual Battle & Get! Pokemon Typing DS game cart will include the necessary Bluetooth hardware (at least that’s how I interpret Google’s translation of Nintendo’s Press Release) which means the keyboard can’t be used with other titles that require typing. However, while Nintendo won’t guarantee everything is smooth sailing, the keyboard apparently also works just fine with the iPhone and Android based smartphones. The game and keyboard are slated to hit store shelves in Japan in April, though pricing info, and availability outside Japan, is still unknown.

[ PR – Nintendo’s Third-Quarter Results Briefing ] VIA [ Joystiq ]

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