There are many products on the market to help you curb your snoring ways. They range from nostril widening strips, to shock therapy machines, to an entire cornucopia of nasal creativity in between. Nora, a Kickstarter project, hopes to help you out in a relatively novel manner.
Nora is sleek pebble-shaped device that sits on the bedside table and listens for snoring sounds. Once it detects the sound, Nora stops the snoring by slightly moving your head through a padded pillow insert that sits under your pillow.
In order to move your head it uses a small pump placed in a case that goes beside your bed; the pump gently inflates the bladder, which in turn causes you to move your head without waking up, making you tighten your relaxed throat muscles and stopping your snores. The setup allows you to use any pillow you want, is completely silent, and even comes with a companion app that tracks how well you slept, and how much you snored. To get one, you’ll have to pledge $179 to the company’s Kickstarter, and expect to receive your product in May 2016.
[ Project Page ] VIA [ Gizmag ]