Not April Fools Anymore: Tauntaun Sleeping Bag Now Available

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Evan Ackerman Avatar


Key Takeaways

By Evan Ackerman

Remember the Tauntaun sleeping bag from April 1st? If so, you probably remember this from April 3rd:

ATTN Tauntaun Fanatics! Due to an overwhelming tsunami of requests from YOU THE PEOPLE, we have decided to TRY and bring this to life. We have no clue if the suits at Lucasfilms will grant little ThinkGeek a license, nor do we know how much it would ultimately retail for. But if you are interested in ever owning one of these, click the link below and we’ll try!

Well, they did it. For reals. It’s an official, fully licensed Lucasfilm™ Collectable Tauntaun sleeping bag with a built-in embroidered Tauntaun head pillow, a plush Lightsaber zipper pull, and a printed intestines pattern on the inside of the bag that smells just as good as the outside, thank you very much. For $99, this is definitely the sleeping bag that you’re looking for. Congrats, ThinkGeek, on making it happen.

[ ThinkGeek ]

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