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Now Be A Bonafide Bathroom Singer With The MP3 Shower Radio

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mp3 shower radio

By Tanya Palta

In this world, there are 3 types of iPod accessories: The Good, The Bad and The Ridiculous. I am not sure where the MP3 Shower Radio fits, but it sure is different for a lack of a better word. It?s the perfect solution for taking your precious iPod to the loo and practice you vocal chords. And hey, you can always do some preening [Preening? -Ed.] in the fog free mirror.

Apart from the iPod, it is compatible with players like Creative, iRiver, MPIO and some features include AM/FM radio and fog-free mirror with 2 LED lights. It is powered off of 4 AA-batteries.

You can check out the website for more details and it can be yours at a price of $29.95

[ComfortHouse] VIA [MobileMag]

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