Now You Can Bathe in Ink–Because Regular Bath Salts Are So Yesterday

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Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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Ink Bath Salts

Bathing in ink doesn’t sound like something most of would normally do. In fact, pouring a bottle of ink into a tub with running water doesn’t sound like something anyone would do.

But if you’re curious at the notion of bathing in ink, then you’ll be pleased to know that you can do exactly just that sans the bottle of ink with these black-and-blue ink bath salts by Japan’s Kaimei & Co.. This company has been producing India ink for calligraphy for more than a century, so they obviously know what they’re doing in the ink department. In the bath department, I’m not very sure.

Ink Bath Salts

No one really knows if you’ll emerge from the bath black and blue. Maybe someone out there is willing to give it a try and let us all know how enjoyable (or not) an ink bath is. They’re available online for $3 a pack.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Technabob ]


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