Give Annoying Friends a Cyber Spanking with Defriendtion

Andrew Liszewski Avatar
Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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People can be so annoying sometimes. Not just in real life, but also in the virtual world as well. Sometimes this annoyingness gets magnified to ridiculous proportions online, more often than not on their Facebook profiles because technically (and unfortunately), their pages happen to be their personal domains. Let’s go over a couple of examples for clarification’s sake:

Annoying case number one: the Braggart. This is the Facebook friend who can’t stop bragging about her recent trip to Dubai and the piles of Hermes bags that she’s got stacked in her closet. It’s annoying because, well, nobody likes a braggart.

Annoying case number two: the New Parent. These are the Facebook friends who can’t stop gushing about how cute their baby is and posting updates about the first burp, the first poop, the first tantrum, the first spit up, and so on and so forth. We get it, you have a baby and we have nothing against him or her. Just keep the TMI posts to yourself, please.

For these and all related annoyances that your friends regularly commit, there’s Defriendtion. Hit the break to check out a video that provides an overview of the app in the most hilarious way possible.

It’s basically an app that lets you give a cyber spanking to annoying friends in a fun and (hopefully) inoffensive way. Just access the app via Facebook and fill out the form to post a Defriendtion notice to the offending party’s wall. You’ll have to specify who you’re putting in virtual detention, as well as explain why they’re going in and provide evidence to their offense.

It’s all for good fun and hopefully, the recipients of your notices will see it that way too. Just remember to be sensitive, or you’ll probably end up getting defriended by the offender. (But maybe that’s not such a bad thing after all!)

[ Defriendtion ] VIA [ Bit Rebels ]

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