O-Flash Ring Flash Adapter (Images courtesy Photojojo)
By Andrew Liszewski

While you still need to shell out the coin for an actual flash atop your DSLR, the O-Flash ring flash adapter, which is currently selling for just $40 on Photojojo, is an inexpensive way to get the benefits of an actual ring flash, without the DIY look of an adapter you’ve built yourself.

A real ring flash encircles your lens with light, usually from a ring of white LEDs, providing even lighting when doing close-up or macro photography. And a ring flash adapter does pretty much the same thing, except that it’s directing and bouncing light from your flash through the ring, which doesn’t always produce as even results. But, it’s up to you to decide if the results are ‘close enough’ given this alternative is just $40.

[ O-Flash Ring Flash Adapter ] VIA [ Wired Gadget Lab ]


  1. Pretty average. The top of the field in both pics shows considerable reduction in light, as you would expect from the design. There are similar designs that give a far more uniform field of illumination.