OGCC Day 17 – Darth Vader Talking Stocking

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Star Wars Darth Vader Head Stocking With Sound (Image courtesy Wicked Cool Stuff)By Andrew Liszewski

2008 OGCC Day 17 (Image property OhGizmo!)Come Christmas morning, those stockings that were hung by the chimney with care don’t usually contain the most elaborate gifts, but that doesn’t mean you want your siblings touching what’s rightfully yours.

One way to ensure your stocked stocking goes untouched is to simply wake up before everyone else in the house does on the 25th, but I think I’d rather just leave it in the care of a ruthless Sith Lord like Darth Vader. (Before he got all mushy over Luke.) I mean sure, there are probably some downsides to aligning with the Empire and all, but when I was a kid I would have gladly sacrificed a couple of planets if it meant my Go-Bots were safe until I got out of bed.

So not only does this officially licensed stocking feature Darth Vader’s head keeping watch all hours of the day, but if you squeeze the white fur trim you’ll also hear Vader’s trademark breathing. And if that doesn’t sell you on the idea, I’m sure the iridescent red fabric will make this a must have item for anyone. You can get it from WickedCoolStuff.com for $24.95.

[ Star Wars Darth Vader Head Stocking With Sound ] VIA [ Shiny Shiny ]

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