OGCC Day 19 – Rossignol Heated Hit Jacket – Perfect For Outdoor Winter Activities Like Waiting In Line For A Wii

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Rossignol Hit Jacket (Images courtesy life PR)
By Andrew Liszewski

2008 OGCC Day 19 (Image property OhGizmo!)While the cold weather is mildly tolerable when swooshing down the slopes on a pair of skis, having Jack Frost nipping at your nose while waiting in line for a Nintendo Wii (or whatever this season’s must-have toy is) is a different story.

But before you start a small bonfire in that Wal-Mart garbage bin to keep warm, you might want to first consider something like the Hit Jacket from Rossignol. The jacket features an adjustable heating system designed by German company NOVONIC that’s comprised of 4 heating panels integrated into the liner. (2 large panels in the back, and 2 smaller panels in the front.) These panels are powered by a removable and somewhat compact rechargeable battery that can provide 6 x 20 minute warming cycles before needing to be recharged. But if the Hit Jacket’s $700 price tag seems a bit high, you can always add it to your Christmas list and hope that Santa’s not as vigil as he used to be when it comes to who’s been naughty and who’s been nice.

[ Rossignol Hit Jacket ] VIA [ Newlaunches ]

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