OGCC Day 25 – Backyard Blizzard Ensures You Never Have To Just Dream Of A White Christmas

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Backyard Blizzard (Images courtesy SnowStation, LLC)
By Andrew Liszewski

OGCC Day 25 (Image property of OhGizmo!)Wow, it’s hard to believe it’s December 25 already… where does the time go? Since a lot of people hope for a white Christmas every year I was originally going to write about an artificial snow maker like they use for movies and TV, but I figured the real stuff is far more entertaining.

The Backyard Blizzard actually uses the same snow making technology that ski resorts rely on, but is compact enough to store in your shed all year round. And using it doesn’t require a degree from ‘Snow Making University’ either. All you need is a 20-amp electrical outlet, a garden house and an outside temperature of approximately 25 degrees F or below. The device uses an air compressor and a high pressure water pump to produce about 50 cubic feet of genuine snow per hour. While that’s not exactly a blizzard, using the included wand you can quickly cover a lot of surface area in real snow that’s perfect for snowmen, snowballs and snow angels.

The Blizzard Sport, which is the model pictured above, will set you back $2,400 plus another $289 for shipping. But I’m sure there are plenty of people who feel that’s a small price to pay if it means waking up to a white Christmas.

[ Backyard Blizzard ] VIA [ Uber-Review ]

And once again, from everyone here at OhGizmo! we wish you a Merry Christmas and hope you’ve had a Happy Holidays.

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