OGCC Day 3 – Uncut Currency = The Ultimate Wrapping Paper

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Uncut US Currency (Images courtesy the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Store)
By Andrew Liszewski

OGCC Day 3 (Image property of OhGizmo!)There’s an endless supply of novelty wrapping paper on the market this time of year, but if you really want to blow someone’s mind on Christmas morning, how about handing them a gift that’s wrapped in uncut legal tender?

Available from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing online store, you can actually order uncut sheets of crisp new U.S. bills in either $1, $2, $5, $10, $20 or $50 denominations. Just keep in mind that those sheets actually end up costing more than their face value, so a 32-subject sheet of $1 bills runs $55, while a 16-subject sheet of $50 bills is $900. And if you go the latter route, I would make sure the giftee isn’t the type who just shreds the wrapping paper off their presents.

[ Bureau of Engraving and Printing Store – Uncut Currency ] VIA [ bookofjoe ]

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