OhGizmo! Review – A!arm App

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Chris Scott Barr Avatar


Key Takeaways

By Caitlyn Muncy

There are few alarm apps out there that are worth their salt, but this one seems to hold some interest. Going by the name of A!arm, this iPhone app has a sheep counting game, and an alarm that be shut off by voice command. For those of you out there that love telling the world what you’re doing every moment of the day, you can connect this app to facebook and twitter to tell your friends when you got up.

The animations for this app are absolutely adorable, and the beep for the alarm is almost ear shattering, which is why being able to shout at the phone to turn it off is a plus. Though the sheep counting game is supposed to be for going to sleep, I found it to be a more useful tool for waking me up as it’s two rotating barrels with puzzle-esque figures you have to focus on. The alarm itself has to be kept open, which can drain your phone battery, but most people charge their phones overnight anyway, so that shouldn’t be a huge deal. The beep seemed to be a little sound sensitive, but that is adjustable. You can also set how long you want to snooze. It is available for $.99 in the App Store.

[ A!arm ]

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