OhGizmo Review Preview: Dragonlasers 250mW Hulk

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By Evan Ackerman

Boy was I excited when a box from Dragonlasers showed up at my door yesterday. I don’t mind telling you that I giggled like a little girl as I opened up the box to reveal a 250mW (!) green laser. I’ll be, um, experimenting with it over the next week or so, and I thought I’d ask you guys if there’s anything in particular you’d like to see. No, I’m not going to do anything dangerous, expensive, illegal, or immoral. And yes, I’ll be wearing eye protection.

Just to get you started, 250mW has a visible range on the order of 100 miles (halfway to the ISS) and is easily capable of burning or melting anything that’s non-reflective. We’ve reviewed high powered lasers in the past (here and here), but the Hulk is the most powerful thus far.

Post suggestions in the comments, and I’ll see what I can do.

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