One-Handed Condom Wrapper Could Be Funny, Is Actually Really Useful

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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At first glance, it’s very tempting to make all kinds of jokes about a condom wrapper specifically designed to be opened with one hand. Haha, what’s your other hand up to? Haha, you need a condom package that’s easier to open, you putz?? But then you stop laughing when you realize that not everyone on this planet has two hands. The One-Handed Condom Wrapper features a perforated seam that parts easily by rubbing your thumb across the face of the packaging, after which the condom falls neatly into your hand, ready for use. Designer Ben Pawle came up with the idea in the context of a “study at the Glasgow School of Art, looking into ways to make life easier for disabled people.”

There’s no firm plans for immediate commercialization, but a prototype will be on show at the Victoria & Albert Museum during the upcoming London Design Festival, as part of a showcase of progressive British design

Hit the jump for a video of it in action, and links.

Demo: One Handed Condom Wrapper from benp on Vimeo.

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