One World Futbol Is Nearly Indestructible, Can Bring Some Joy To Kids In Impoverished Countries

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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The world’s most popular sport doesn’t involve a cigar shaped ball thrown with the hand, but rather a spherical one kicked around with your feet. And while the barrier to entry is usually quite low, requiring nothing more than a ball and your legs, even that’s a tall order sometimes; in some part of the world, balls are fashioned with thrash and string. The One World Futbol is a very special ball in that even when punctured several times, it doesn’t deflate. It just keeps going and going. And the idea of the project is that if you buy one, another one will be given to a child in need, somewhere in the world. Created by Tim Jahnigen, early on the project was given some wings by an involvement from superstar Sting, and then a sponsorship from Chevrolet. It’s called “One World” in recognition that we really do live in one world, and as a reminder to people in the “first world” that they are in fact sharing the same planet as those who live in more impoverished areas. It’s $40.

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