Onix ERT Super Tweeter

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Onix ERTBy Josh Ray

No, it’s not an electric dog whistle. The $349 Onix ERT is a super tweeter that goes all the way up to 45kHz, blowing right past the 20kHz human hearing limit. What’s the point? Audiophiles world over know that the brain can process information up to 100kHz, even if you don’t respond to it the way poochie does. And, yes, it does make a big difference, big enough for the first two runs of the ERT to be completely sold out.

To take advantage of the ERT, you simply stick the black box on top of your speaker, connect the cables to your speaker binding posts and crank up the volume. The super tweeter sound is claimed to: “make the music more alive” and “give Rover epilepsy.”

To get in on the ERT action, visit AV123. For more on the ERT and the super tweeter phenom, check out Sonic Flare.

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