Orbitwheel (Image courtesy Inventist)
By Andrew Liszewski

The Monowheel has never come across as the safest looking mode of transportation to me, but shrink them down so they’re small enough to wear on each foot and you’ve got my attention. That’s what a company called Inventist did with the Orbitwheels, which they were showing off at this year’s Toy Fair. While they look like a monowheel crossed with a pair of inline skates, riding them is apparently more akin to being on a skateboard, though to propel yourself you have to make an ‘s-pattern’ type movement with your feet. Now I’m not sure if Orbitwheels can be considered a safer alternative to skates or a deck, but the long warning scroll at the beginning of this instructional video doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence in me.

But if a skinned knee or a shattered wrist is a small price to pay for a new adventure, you can order a pair of Orbitwheels from the Inventist website for $119.95.

[ Orbitwheel ] VIA [ Boing Boing Gadgets ]


  1. thought this was cool til i saw that there are no straps. if there were i can imagine you could propel yourself the same way you do with ice skates and perform aerial tricks as well

  2. thought this was cool til i saw that there are no straps. if there were i can imagine you could propel yourself the same way you do with ice skates and perform aerial tricks as well

  3. Good point, but we've all had spills trying out new things, who didn't fall off a couple of times while learning to ride a bike, a board or blades. Guess it comes with the territory….ouch ….heh heh.

    Orbitwheels are an ingenious new slant on skating and so far no grazed knees, hands, elbows or broken bits.

    They look set to “Revolutionise” wheeled fun.

    They're now availabe in the UK (and Europe) via Urban Craze.

    See and Buy them at http://www.urbancraze.co.uk or http://www.orbitwheels.co.uk (http://www.orbitwheels.eu)

    We agree about the warnings, but thats what living in our claim culture world does for you.

    We suggest you just use plain old common sense, you know, like millions of us have managed to do since the wheel was invented.

    Most of all ….Have FUN ! ! !
