Oregon Scientific Crystal Weather Station (Image courtesy Oregon Scientific)By Andrew Liszewski

The various indoor weather stations that Oregon Scientific are known for are great when it comes to functionality but they aren’t the coolest looking devices thanks in part to their large monochrome LCD displays. Well the company appears to be trying to shed that geeky image and tap into the ‘desperate to impress my friends‘ market with their new Crystal Weather Station.

It uses a large crystal block on top that’s laser engraved with 3D icons representing the sun, clouds or rain. Basically like the smaller versions you can have you face engraved into at your local mall. The current weather condition is indicated by whichever icon is illuminated with color lighting. The crystal station also has a stylish red digital clock set against black that is radio controlled to ensure it’s always accurate. And you can change the display mode between time and indoor temperature with just a wave of your hand.

While the Crystal Weather Station only appears to be a concept at this time it is listed on the Oregon Scientific website as a ‘New Product’ so I wouldn’t be surprised to see it available for sale sometime in the near future.

[ Oregon Scientific Crystal Weather Station ] VIA [ The Red Ferret Journal ]


  1. The weather station is for sale, i already bought one a month ago (amazon.de). The station looks nice, but seems to have some serious issues about weather prediction (i returned mine for a working one). The other thing is – the led’s illuminating the crystal are weird: red for the sun (why no yellow?), blue for clouds (why no white so the clouds would look grey?) and green for rain (why no blue?). Hope to get my new unit soon