Original Back To The Future Shoes Going Up For Auction

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Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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By Chris Scott Barr

The future is a tricky thing. It’s almost impossible to predict just how it will turn out. Movies try their hand at it, but are rarely anywhere close to be being correct. I’m not just referring to the technology, but to the fashion as well. Take for instance the shoes Marty McFly wears in Back to the Future II. It’s possible that we may actually end up with shoes that lace themselves by 2015. However, I doubt they’ll look quite as hideous as the one pictured above.

What you see is one of the actual shoes worn by Michael J. Fox while filming the movie. That thing is butt-ugly. Ugly or no, it is a piece of movie history, and it (and its mate) can be yours. That’s right, this pair of shoes is going up for auction in the very near future. You’ll need to tap into that nest egg you’ve been saving up though, as the footwear is expected to fetch $12,000-$15,000. Personally, I’ll just wait for a better-looking pair that actually work.

[ Profiles in History ] VIA [ Dvice ]

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