Oscar Nominated Logorama Short Film Takes Product Placement To The Next Level

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Logorama (Image courtesy H5)
By Andrew Liszewski

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a little product placement in films or TV shows, as long as it doesn’t distract from what’s happening on screen. But Logorama, an Oscar-nominated short film by the French design collective H5, takes things to a whole new level. If you haven’t seen it yet I recommend taking a few minutes at work to check it out, and you’ll definitely want to watch it a few times if you’re the type who enjoys logo-spotting, since it’s chock full of them. In fact it makes me wonder why the trademark lawyers aren’t breaking down their front door…

You can watch a clip from the short on the Logorama – The Movie website, or check out the whole thing on Facebook. Just keep in mind there’s some NSFW language, and images that some might find offensive. (ie Ronald McDonald holding a machine gun.)

[ Logorama – The Movie ] VIA [ Fazed ]

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