Own A Rare Zenith 13″ See-Through Clear Case TV – You Know, For Prisons

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Rare Zenith 13" See-Through Clear Case TV (Images courtesy eBay)
By Andrew Liszewski

I’m pretty sure there’s not a big demand for a $400 Zenith 13-inch CRT TV these days, unless you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to watch Glee while incarcerated. These sets were specifically made for the sole purpose of providing “in-cell prison entertainment” while preventing inmates from using them to hide or smuggle contraband. It’s currently up on eBay where the seller points out that it’s not even digital ready, making it a pretty tough sell even if you’re into collecting prison memorabilia.

[ eBay – Rare Prison Security See-Through Cear Case Television ] VIA [ Random Good Stuff ]

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