Panasonic TV Will Live Longer Than Some Owners

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If you get a bunch of geeks and around a table who are really in the home theater and HDTV’s, at some point of debate over the pros and cons of plasma versus LCD TVs will take place. The plasma fans say their preferred technology is brighter and offers more contrast. The LCD brigade will say their preferred technology last longer.

The life span argument may finally be settled thanks to Panasonic. It announced that new plasma 1080p TVs have been added to its VIERA plasma line that can last for up to 100,000 viewing hours before the TV dims to half brightness. Panasonic’s 720p VIERA TVs are good for up to 60,000 hours.

Panasonic says that the average American watches and 6.5 hours of TV each day. Using that number Panasonic claims that its new plasma TVs could last for up to 42 years. That could mean for some people who buy a new Panasonic plasma TV it would last longer than they will.


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