When you’re out of power and poking around in the dark, a flashlight is always useful. But you know what ends up happening half the time, right? The batteries are out, and then you have to fumble in the dark looking for new ones, and well, they’re never the right ones. Panasonic seems to have solved this issue by manufacturing a flashlight, called the Any Battery Light, that can not only accept batteries of any size, but also any number of them. So if all you have is a single AA battery, the light will still work, only for less time than if you’d loaded it up with a bunch. If you insert one of every type of supported battery (AA, AAA, D and C), the device would last for about 86h, which is plenty. Best of all, it’s expected to run about 2,000 yen (US$24), so there’s really no reason not to have one in a drawer somewhere.
It’s available starting January 24th, though we’re unsure on which markets. Probably Japan.
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