By David Ponce
Remember in Mario Kart in single player mode, you were able to race against a ghost of yourself? The Digital Mirror from Panasonic is just like that, except not quite. It’s used in physical rehabilitation settings, where you have to relearn how to move parts of your body, and it uses a camera and monitor to help things along. First it’ll show you a video of an able bodied person doing the required movements, and will record you trying. You can later be shown your initial efforts and you can compare yourself and see your progress in real time.
It offers exercise programs such as “Stretch,” “Muscle Strength,” “Upper Limb’s Range of Motion” and “Balance.” Also, it is possible to select “upright position” or “sitting position,” depending on the state of the user.
Of course for something that will be used in a medical setting, the price will likely keep it out of people’s homes: approx US$35,412.
Panasonic will start accepting orders for the Digital Mirror starting July 20th.
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