Peak 97 Mechanical Climbing Game

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Peak 97 Mechanical Climbing Game (Images courtesy Jeff Highsmith)
By Andrew Liszewski

While a digital facsimile could probably be created in Flash in an afternoon, I like that Jeff Highsmith took a completely (well, almost completely) mechanical approach to his Peak 97 arcade game. It features a couple of articulated climbers with sharp pointy hands and feet that climb a sloped plywood wall covered in carpet. The climbers are controlled by a twin dial remote, and two players can compete to see who gets their mountaineer to the top of the peak first. It’s powered by Arduinos and other cheap electronicy bits, as Jeff’s goal was to build it with as little investment as possible. But it still looks like it would be a great addition to any games room, and since the climbs are timed, there’s plenty of room for competition.

[ Flickr – Jeff Highsmith – Peak 97 ] VIA [ Make ]

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