Pedal Powered Forklift (Image courtesy Hammacher Schlemmer)
By Andrew Liszewski

I had an amazing childhood, but once again, I feel it could have been even better had my parents been aware of Hammacher Schlemmer. For example. Cleaning my room was never the most enjoyable chore. But picking up laundry and putting away toys with a working, miniature, pedal-powered forklift? I’m pretty sure I’d sleep in the thing! It wouldn’t have only been great for cleaning my room, though. Other chores like clearing the table, taking out the garbage, walking the dog and dealing with his ‘indiscretions’ and even raking leaves would have been made about 1,000X more entertaining with this at my disposal.

The chassis is made from durable ABS plastic so it could easily endure a couple years of kid life, and the hand-crank powered forks are capable of lifting up to 6 1/2 lbs. Sadly it’s limited to kids up to 55-inches in height, a mark I passed many years ago. And a maximum riding weight of up to 110 lbs. It’s also $319.95, making it a hard sell to your parents that your bedroom will most certainly be kept slightly cleaner, at the expense of plastic tire tracks all over their home. The Fresh Prince was right, parents just don’t understand…

[ Pedal Powered Forklift ] VIA [ 7Gadgets ]