Pee Analyzer Tests Your Pee and Lets the Valet Know If You’re Drunk

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Pee Analyzer

Every year, thousands of people lose their lives because they chose to drive after knocking down one too many shots. A lot of campaigns have been launched to increase people’s awareness of the dangers of drinking and driving. But bars can also take matters into their own hands, too, by letting dudes know when they’ve had too much to drink after they take a leak.

It’s called the Pee Analyzer and it basically tests a person’s urine for alcohol content. So how does it work? Well, every patron gets an RFID parking ticket when they drop their cars off at valet. After they pee, an RFID reader near the urinal takes note of the results. If it’s over the limit, a sign lights up, telling the person to call a cab or use a drive home service because they’ve had one too many drinks.

They might choose to ignore the urinal’s advice (or are too drunk to notice), but the valet won’t.

When the partied-out patron goes to retrieve his car, he has to hand his RFID parking card over to the valet. The valet scans it and an alert pops up if the customer tested high on his urine. Those customers are then asked to call a cab or take advantage of the club’s drive-home service.

Clever system, huh?

VIA [ Geekologie ]

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