Pee Without Noise Stool – Yeah, Apparently This Is Real

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Pee Without Noise Stool (Images courtesy the Japan Trend Shop)
By Andrew Liszewski

If you’re subconscious self-conscious (sorry, still feeling the effects of CES) about making too much noise when you’re going you-know-what in the you-know-where, you can now get yourself a special stool because apparently just sitting isn’t manly enough. Based on exhaustive research involving a tea pot and a toilet bowl, the Pee Without Noise Stool puts you closer to the, um, action, keeping unwanted sounds to a minimum. And what will you be paying to save face the next time you’re in the loo? How about $76 for a wooden ‘Eco’ model or $98 for a ‘DX’ model which is made of polyurethane instead.

[ Pee Without Noise Stool ]

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