Peek Introduces The Pronto, Old Peeks Will Get A Free Software Update Too

Joel Williams Avatar
Joel Williams Avatar


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Peek Pronto (Image courtesy Andrew Liszewski

I got to spend a week with the original Peek while at CES this year, and while I really liked the device, particularly given its pricepoint, there were a few areas that could have definitely been improved. And that’s exactly what the company did this morning when they officially announced their new Peek Pronto.

Now the update is definitely not a complete overhaul, more of a slight refresh, but the new model now adds push email, unlimited email and text messages, support for up to 5 email accounts at once, a search function, support for viewing PDF and Word documents, compatibility with Microsoft Exchange and even a larger font size option. But most importantly, the software on the device is now 50% faster Peek claims, all for the exact same price of just $79.95 with a $19.95 monthly fee.

But if you’ve already got a Peek, don’t feel too left out. According to an email the company sent out last night, current users will be privy to a software update next week that adds all the new functionality to the original Peek model.

The good news for you Peeksters is that we want all of you to have the software that will be powering Pronto – for free. Next week I’m going to let you know the details of how you can upgrade your Peek so that you can have the same software that will be on Pronto. I think you’re going to like it!

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