Personal Portable Smoothie Maker

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Evan Ackerman Avatar


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By Evan Ackerman

Smoothie MakerI love smoothies. They’re vaguely healthy, and yet they’re full of sugar. They’re a meal, and yet they’re dessert. They’re portable and they’re drinkable, but they’re expensive and generally a pain in the butt to make. The Shake ‘N Take™ Personal Smoothie Maker makes it all simple by combining a portable smoothie sipper with a cute little blender base station. The 16 oz spill-proof cup will fit in your car, and at only $30, it’s not a bad deal at all. I won’t expect a lot of torque, but it might be more powerful than you are.

If, like some people, you have a problem with kitchen unitaskers, keep in mind that you can use this to (try to) blend anything, not just smoothies.

[ Shake ‘N Take™ ] VIA [ Coolest Gadgets ]

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