Philips Electronic Tattoo Concept

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Philips Electronic Tattoo

By Evan Ackerman

This demonstration of a tattoo concept, developed by Philips, illustrates how an electronic, touch sensitive tattoo might work. The project is a “Philips Design Probe,” which aims to understand what a post-2020 lifestyle might be like. This particular design probe “explores the body as a platform for electronics and interactive skin technology.” Sounds titillating, right? It gets better: “Stimulated by touch, an electronic tattoo traverses across the landscape of the body, navigated by desire.” Wow! But then, things go way, way wrong in the concept video, which is mildly NSFW and majorly creepy:

You can’t get anything like this, it’s just an illustration of a concept that Philips may or may not be working on. If you like this idea, or hate it, tell Philips by clicking here.

[ Philips SKIN:Tattoo ] VIA [ Fark ]

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