Philips Norelco Turbo Vacuum Trimmer

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Philips Norelco T980 Turbo Vacuum Trimmer (Image courtesy Amazon)
By Andrew Liszewski

Shaving sucks. And if you’re anything like me you only do it once a week, which means it’s twice as much work because you have to clean up the sink and counter afterwards. So ‘mad props’ to Philips Norelco for their T980 trimmer which uses a vacuum to suck the trimmings into a built-in chamber that can be periodically emptied.

The trimmer also has something called ‘SteelWave Technology’ which is apparently a self-sharpening system for the blades and is rechargeable, keeping the number of criss-crossing power cords in the bathroom to a minimum each morning.

Amazon has it for $39.99.

[ Philips Norelco T980 Turbo Vacuum Trimmer ] VIA [ Uncrate ]

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