Philips’ Window Shopper Gaze Tracking System

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Gaze Interaction For Information Display Of Gazed Items (Image courtesy the World Intellectual Property Organization)
By Andrew Liszewski

If it wasn’t bad enough that stores were already tracking the purchase decisions and buying patterns of their customers, it now seems that Philips is developing a way for stores to track the interests of people who haven’t even come inside. Using a set of video cameras and eye tracking software the system will be able to tell what someone looking at a window display has been staring at the longest, and will then provide more detailed information about the product via a passive or even interactive video display in hopes it will push them towards making a purchase decision.

The system is also useful for keeping track of gazing trends for large groups of people. The data can help a store determine what type of layout or window display design is most effective for selling a given product. If you’re looking for a way to make your Monday even duller than it already is, you can read the full patent application for the gaze tracking system on the World Intellectual Property Organization website.

[ Gaze Interaction For Information Display Of Gazed Items ] VIA [ New Scientist Invention Blog ]

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