Phonster Is A Holster For Your Phone

Evan Ackerman Avatar
Evan Ackerman Avatar


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The hipster is strong with this one. Phonster is a hand-made leather holster that looks like it could carry a gun, but is instead made to carry your smartphone. Given that you wear skinny jeans and that you’re worried your iPhone 6 Plus will bend, it makes some sort of sense to contemplate this. It’s made by Ukraininan leather goods manufacturer AGE, and comes with two cases which can hold your wallet in addition to your phone. There’s even a pull-tab so you can get your device out without too much fuss.

If you don’t mind the slightly pretentious hipster aesthetic, the Phonster seems to be pretty useful. It’s a $99 pledge to get your own, with shipping by December of this year, and comes in several different sizes to accommodate most mobile devices.





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