You may not know it, but there’s likely a drawer somewhere in your home where you keep all kinds of odds and ends that you need around the house. Screws, butterfly fasteners, IKEA wrenches, a hammer, and probably a couple 9V batteries for your smoke detector. Well it turns out if you get the Plan V, they’ll have another potential use: charging your phone. Plan V is a tiny dongle that takes a 9V battery and uses its power to charge your mobile device. It’s great if the power is out for an extended period and you really need to charge it. Or if you’re out somewhere and are desperate for some more talk time. It’s small enough to serve as a keychain, and costs all of $12… if it gets made. It’s a Kickstarter at the moment, and until they reach their funding goal they’re only making a Micro-USB version. They’re still far from the goal so nothing is sets in stone, but you can help them out with a pledge if this looks like something you’d use.
[ Project Page ] VIA [ WalYou ]
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