Up until recently, if you wanted to get in on the sweet, sweet retro NES gaming action on your mobile device, you either needed an Android or a jailbroken iPhone. But now, thanks to Conrad Kramer, Jared Wright, Bogdan Vitoc and Evan Klein, you can have a full emulator directly on a web page, which is called WebNES. Simply visit the site at the link below and try any of the available games; better yet, load a ROM into your Dropbox account and play it. WebNES was made during the 2014 PennApps hackathon and while it’s a giant step forward for anyone looking to keep their iPhone in factory mode while playing some old school Nintendo games, it is far from perfect. You won’t be able to run the games at full speed, and some of them are quite slow. Additionally, if you want sound, you have to plug in some earphones.
Still, for now at least it’s better than nothing.