Play Tetris on the Coolest Business Card Ever!

Andrew Liszewski Avatar
Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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Tetris Business Card


If you failed to make an impression in person, then the only chance you have left is to make an impression with your business card. Plain old cards are boring. The way to go these days are interactive business cards and Bateske Design definitely got it right with their Arduboy digital business card.

It’s essentially a miniature, Arduino-based card that lets people play Tetris on it. How they managed to cram an OLED screen, capacitive D-pad, A/B buttons, and a piezo speaker into the 1.6mm-thick card is a feat in itself.

Bateske Design are purportedly planning to launch a Kickstarter campaign soon for these interactive cards. Until then, you can make your own and wow potential bosses before thousands of others will be able to do the same.

VIA [ Dvice ]

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