Plexus is a Shirt For All Occasions

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The Plexus is the T-shirt of the future. This futuristic concept design was created by Vernon Chen and Joanne Lim Jin Xuan, who both imagined that the shirts of the future will be “held together by pixelated nano-particles.” These shirts will be highly interactive with the wearer’s surroundings and will morph and change to match the occasion, going from a casual shirt to a formal one within seconds. This feature is attributed to the “opening and closing [of] its louvre-like pixels.”

So a shirt with a coat-and-tie design isn’t exactly formal or proper work attire, but if everyone’s going to be wearing this thing in the future, then that probably won’t be an issue. Of course, such material doesn’t exist yet and the technology to actually come up with this type of shirt is probably still decade away. But it’s still a pretty interesting concept. don’t you think?

You can watch a video highlighting the many features of the Plexus after the break.

VIA [ Yanko Design ]

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