Plush Microbes

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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bacteriaDon’t know whether to think of this as an educational tool, or what. Don’t even know what it is about these that makes them so attractive. Trying really hard though, I suppose I’ve always wanted to own my own teddy microbe. I’ve really always wanted to know what Orthomyoxvirus (the flu virus) looks like, blown up a million times. Or maybe, it’s that I’ve always secretly wanted to spend a night hugging Streptococcus pyogenes (the flesh eating bacteria). It’s comforting, in a therapeutic, get-to-know-your-foes sort of way.

Each 5-7 inch plush microbe comes with an instructional card that includes an actual picture of the microbe along with information about the microbe in its natural environment. I think it’s brilliant. And at 6$ a pop, I think we should all have one.

From Thinkgeek.

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