The Pointie Is A Sharpie For Stabbing

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Ok, don’t go around stabbing anyone, yeah? But if you have to carry a stabbing tool of some kind, for some reason, the Pointie is just about the sneakiest of them all. At first glance it looks just like a regular Sharpie, but when you take the cap off you reveal a solid 17-4 stainless steel point CNC machined and hardened to condition H900. We don’t know what that means but it sounds impressive and we suppose it’s got something to do with how hard, and how corrosion resistant it is. And it’s not just the point; the entire length is one solid block of steel simply surrounded by a plastic body. The tips come in two obvious “dagger style” shapes, and one even more incognito Sharpie-look-alike that keeps up the charade even with the cap off. They’ll cost you a $25 pledge, for a delivery in April of this year.


[ Project Page ] VIA [ DudeIWantThat ]

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