Polaroid Is Making A Comeback With A Digital Version Of The Old Classic

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By Jonathan Kimak

I loved the old Polaroid cameras. A picture that would appear and develop in a minute in your hands instead of 7 days later at a photo lab seemed like an absolute miracle of technology back when I was a kid. Of course the emergence of cheap yet high-quality digital cameras destroyed Polaroid and forced them to stop selling the instant film cameras back in February of this year.

Now Polaroid has announced that they will be bringing back instant film, and this time it will add the instant printing magic to digital cameras. The pictures will be 4×3 rectangle size, which is the size most associated with the old Polaroid cameras.

It will still be a rough market for Polaroid to compete in, even with millions of nostalgic fans. It’s already pretty easy to print out pictures from almost anywhere; most grocery stores, pharmacies and Wal-Marts have instant print kiosks for pennies per print. Still, it’s nice to see Polaroid trying, even if they are years behind the times.

[ Amateur Photographer ] VIA [ Gizmodo ]

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