Police Stations Becoming Safe Havens For Craigslist Meetings

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Evan Ackerman Avatar


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Perusing Craigslist for deals can be a tricky proposition, because alongside your great deal, you might find an occasional abduction, rape, or murder. That risk, albeit not a regular occurrence, has prompted several police stations across the US to offer up their lobbies for people to conduct (legal) transactions in complete safety. Started by Chicago police, the trend is now followed by Seattle, Beaufort, Boca Raton, Columbia, South Carolina, Missouri and Virginia Beach. Their stations are open 24/7, so if you absolutely must acquire a used single-speed bicycle at 3am, know you can do so without having to worry about carrying mace, batons, or any other futile weapons in case your seller is a maniac. Hopefully other police departments nationwide will take notice and follow suit.

VIA [ Engadget ]

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