By Evan Ackerman

The Pomera Digital Memo DM10 is one of those gadgets that is absolutely perfect for a very few people with very specific needs. You may be one of these people if you take a lot (like, seriously, a lot) of typed notes but can’t come up with a reason why you’d be better off with a netbook that can take typed notes and do a whole bunch of other stuff. I guess it could be that a netbook doesn’t have a full size folding keyboard like the DM10. A netbook doesn’t have a 20 hour battery life (on 2 AAs!) or 2 second startup time. And a netbook is going to be significantly larger and heavier, if only in a relative sense. But still… Is it really worth it to pay $270 for a monotasker like the DM10 when you could get a “real” computer like the Asus EEE for a mere $30 more? Personally, I’d say no, but that’s just because if I can’t get to the internet on it, it’s officially useless to me.

The Pomera Digital Memo DM10 will be available in Japan around November 10.

[ Impress (Translated) ] VIA [ Engadget ]


  1. Yes Evan, You are right . everyone want to work very easily. now adays no one has excess time to spend on same work again and again. Regarding this view we people (users) accept Pomera Digital Memo DM10 as a helpful creation.

  2. It'd be perfect for a student like me who can type 10 times faster than they can write, but also has the attention span of a 5 year old with a handful of pixy-sticks. The fact that it has text-only internet at best means I wouldn't be tempted to check out all the gadget sites while I'm supposed to be taking notes.

  3. I like it – a lot. The long battery life and light weight will be great to throw in a rucksack for long transcontinental flights and trips without worry of having a heavy, expensive laptop to worry about that lasts for less than a few hours on battery.

  4. I like it – a lot. The long battery life and light weight will be great to throw in a rucksack for long transcontinental flights and trips without worry of having a heavy, expensive laptop to worry about that lasts for less than a few hours on battery.

  5. I like it – a lot. The long battery life and light weight will be great to throw in a rucksack for long transcontinental flights and trips without worry of having a heavy, expensive laptop to worry about that lasts for less than a few hours on battery.