By Evan Ackerman
The Pomera Digital Memo DM10 is one of those gadgets that is absolutely perfect for a very few people with very specific needs. You may be one of these people if you take a lot (like, seriously, a lot) of typed notes but can’t come up with a reason why you’d be better off with a netbook that can take typed notes and do a whole bunch of other stuff. I guess it could be that a netbook doesn’t have a full size folding keyboard like the DM10. A netbook doesn’t have a 20 hour battery life (on 2 AAs!) or 2 second startup time. And a netbook is going to be significantly larger and heavier, if only in a relative sense. But still… Is it really worth it to pay $270 for a monotasker like the DM10 when you could get a “real” computer like the Asus EEE for a mere $30 more? Personally, I’d say no, but that’s just because if I can’t get to the internet on it, it’s officially useless to me.
The Pomera Digital Memo DM10 will be available in Japan around November 10.