Pong Video Game Clock

Tyler Lacoma Avatar

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Pong Clock
By Christen da Costa

Break out the shag carpet, because a design firm in the Netherlands has got the Pong video game clock to match. Currently a design only – and possibly a prototype on their office wall – the Pong clock keeps time by keeping score. If the left player scores then an hour has transpired. If the right player scores then a minute has ticked by.

More info here.

Via GadgetReview

3 responses to “Post Title”

  1. LAVA Avatar

    Old news.

  2.  Avatar


  3. […] Ok, as far as I know, it’s the only Pong clock ever. But it’s still pretty cool. […]

  4. Pong Uhr

    Nertiger gehts kaum, die Uhr für den Geek: ein Pong an der Wand spielt um die Zeit. Gesehen bei de kräsi Holländers, gefunden via OhGizmo!.

  5. Shane Avatar

    And they offer a free PONG clock screensaver on their website.
