PoochSelfie Lets Your Dog In On The Action

Chris Scott Barr Avatar
Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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Ever tried making your dog pose for a selfie? Yeah, didn’t go too well, did it? Well, that’s because you’re doing it wrong. Getting a canine to hold its attention on what you want is hard, unless you know know the trick: tennis balls. The PoochSelfie is a smartphone attachment that holds on to a tennis ball on one side, and to your smartphone on the other. In this fashion you can sneak as many selfies and portraits of your dog as you like, while he stares straight at the camera, fixated on his favourite toy.

It’s a simple device, but one that promises to give dog lovers everywhere tons of enjoyment. Prices are right, starting at a $13 pledge for 1, and $25 for two. Shipping is slated for December of this year.



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