Porsche Design P'9110 Emergency Radio (Image courtesy Weathersnob.com)By Andrew Liszewski

I’m sure at one point I was happy to hear that Porsche would be lending their design sensibilities to products other than cars but so far I haven’t exactly been blown away. While the car bearing the Porsche name is a design icon other items like this emergency hand-cranked radio don’t really stand out in my opinion.

Sure it has a cast aluminum housing and precision knurled knobs (you gotta have knurling) but besides that I don’t see much difference between this emergency radio and what’s for sale at the local Best Buy or Wal-Mart. However I also believe that looks aren’t everything and besides being powered by a hand crank the Eton P’9110 also includes an AM/FM/Shortwave radio, emergency siren, cellphone recharger and an LED flashlight.

And while such a device is a must have if you live anywhere that’s prone to power outages caused by nasty storms I don’t think the Porsche Design stylings quite justify the $200 price tag.

[ Porsche Design Eton P’9110 ] VIA [ Autoblog ]